Friday, October 18, 2019

ENG 305T Annotated Bibliography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

ENG 305T Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example By managing personal time an individual becomes able to eliminate wastage, abstain from excessive workloads, be equipped for meetings, supervise project progress, distribute resources like time in an appropriate way according to the task's importance, and ensure concentration on long-term projects, planning each day effectively and similarly each week efficiently. This article offers practices that may enable in the effective management of time. As mentioned by Blair, â€Å"This involves the simplistic task of keeping a note of how you spend your time for a suitably long period of time (say a week).† The main practiced involve waste disposal, avoiding subordinate work by delegating, making appropriate appointments, scheduling projects, monitoring staff and paying attention to long term objectives. Personal Time Management is thus an organized appliance of strategies based on common sense strategies. It necessitates little effort, nevertheless it encourages efficient work exerc ises by spotlighting wastage and it contributes to effectual use of time by concentrating it on one’s chosen activities.† Bridge, Tim. ... The author emphasizes on personal time management by being obliged by one’s own need and therefore based on one’s need makes it more difficult to acquire and be utilized till its full potential. According to the author, the skill of managing time effectively requires time for development and perfection so a variety of approaches are suggested to be attempted. The Tips offered in the given article include briefly enlisting everything that needs to be done. As quoted by the author â€Å"Write as much down as you can. If you don’t carry a planner or notebook already, start. Personally, I’ve always preferred a small, simple, white-lined notebook because you aren’t restricted by the various boxes and lines of the average planner† (Bridge). The second way suggested by the author is â€Å"make use of down time† emphasizing on the prioritization of the tasks. The third way is to reward oneself upon accomplishment of each goal. Then the author suggests to â€Å"concentrate on one thing† i.e. instead of multitasking, prioritizing each task and attempting to complete each task one by one. The other way to achieve time management is to avoid procrastination, as quoted by the author â€Å"When trying to be more productive and trying to save time, procrastination should be avoided like nothing else. It is the ultimate productivity-killer† (Bridge). Then the author suggests to set deadlines personally and penalizing oneself on missing them. The other ways suggested by the author include delegating responsibility, planning long term goals, implementing a software program such as RescueTime to check the amount of time wasted in useless activities, team work and avoiding burnouts.

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